A well-trained arborist can identify and effectively treat the Insect & Disease problems. There are many conditions caused by insects or Diseases in trees. A Bode Tree Care certified arborist can advise you about prevalent insect infestation and disease infected areas and the effective course of treatment for each.
Insects Management Programs
Emerald ash borer (EAB) is a highly invasive, non-native insect that attacks and kills all species of North American ash trees, including white, green and black ash. EAB is native to Asia and was first detected in the U.S. in summer 2002 feeding on ash trees in the Detroit area. EAB has not been confirmed in the northern Plains (Kansas, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota).
Adult EABs are emerald green beetles that are approximately 1.5 inches long with slender, elongated bodies. EAB larvae can grow up to 1.25 inches long and are white or cream colored. They have brown heads and a 10-segmented body with a pair of brown, pincher-like appendages on the last segment.
tree canopy die back
elm ash borer larvae
Photos courtesy of The Nebraska Forest Service –
Nebraska University www.nfs.unl.edu
Tree insect problems
Emerald Ash Borer
Eric Bode
Certified Arborist IL-4572A
Bode Tree Care
Today for an estimate
Bode Tree Care
P.O. Box 612 Barrington, IL 60011
eric@bodetreecare.com p: 847-909-2100 f: 847-381-7350