A well-trained arborist can identify and effectively treat the Insect & Disease problems. There are many conditions caused by insects or Diseases in trees. A Bode Tree Care certified arborist can advise you about prevalent insect infestation and disease infected areas and the effective course of treatment for each.
Insects Management Programs
Larvae are cream-colored and reach 32 to 38 mm in length. Beetles are black and white and 25 to 35 mm long with antennae nearly or as long as the body.
Beetles emerge during late spring and summer and feed on tender shoots of young trees. Females lay eggs in bark at the bases of trees. Larvae emerge in 10 to 14 days and mine tunnels in the lower trunk and large roots. Two years are required to complete the life cycle.
Shoots damaged by adult feeding turn black, shrivel up, and die. Sawdust may accumulate in entrance holes to the tunnels and in bark crevices at the bases of trees. Infestations frequently are not discovered until trees are severely damaged and weakened branches and tree portions have broken.
cottonwood borer adult
Photo courtesy of The Nebraska Forest Service –
Nebraska University www.nfs.unl.edu
Tree insect problems
Cottonwood Borer
Eric Bode
Certified Arborist IL-4572A
Bode Tree Care
Today for an estimate
Bode Tree Care
P.O. Box 612 Barrington, IL 60011
eric@bodetreecare.com p: 847-909-2100 f: 847-381-7350